Annotations to articles.

By V. A. Bytchkov, L. G. Kouzmenko, S. Zakhraui, A. L. Sokolov, I. V . Kapoustin
Four children recovering from sheer respiratory illnesses were noted for a long time to have clinical X-raylogical symptoms of Bronchial Asthma, their X-ray pictures showing Atelectases. Bronchoscopy, performed for diagnostic purposes, in all cases displayed typical signs of Bronchial Asthma development. All children's pharynx slime contained Mycoplasma pneumoniae genome fragments detected by Polymeraza chain reaction method and Class M antibodies for Mycoplasma pneumoniae detected by immuno-ferment method. After Sumamedum therapy (two 10 days courses with a10 days interruption) a resistant clinical X-raylogical remission was reported. The children have suffered no bronchial obstruction attacks during subsequent 6 - 7 months.

Application of Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation (CIP) in curing constipation.

By Y.A.Kopanev, A.L.Sokolov.

The use of CIP , bacteriophages and eubiotics can help to correct disturbed autoflora in babies and eliminate the dysfunction of gastroenteric tract and thus to normalize stool even without application of symptomatic therapy.

For adult patients suffering from chronic constipation symptomatic therapy with the use of the above-mentioned preparations and also specific medicines affecting peristalsis (Motilium , Debridat Cizaprid) becomes essential.

Nevertheless if autoflora of intestines is disturbed in such patients they must undergo a correction of dysbacteriosis with the use of CIP , bacteriophages and eubiotics.

Side effects of Complecx Immunoglobulin Preparation (CIP) when used orally or in suppositories by children and adults.

By V.A.Aleshkin , A.L.Sokolov , Y.A.Kopanev and others.

Observations carried out for 3 years over 4000 patients taking CIP for correcting microbiocenosis of intestines , genital tracts and also suffering from acute respiratory diseases proved clinically marked allergic reactions which could be directly related to the use of CIP.

The contra-indications and side effects in the form of allergic reactions mentioned in the instruction to CIP and CIP suppositories are more probable theoretically than really can be any danger to patients.

Clinico-laboratory confirmation of CIP’s (Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation) activity against relatively pathogenic flora.

By V.A.Aleshkin , A.L.Sokolov, Y.A.Kopoanev and others.

Owing to contained in CIP immunoglobulins effective for enterobacteria , the preparation possesses a direct antimicrobic activity. This effect was confirmed with 352 babies taking CIP as the only antibacterial remedy against dysbacteriosis of intestines with a higher level of relatively pathogenic flora including hemolysic colibacilli , Proteus , Klebsiella , staphylococcus aureus. Antibacterial efficiency of CIP reached 95% , for the majority of bacteria - 80%. Much less side effects were registered than in the therapy with phages and antibiotics. Thus CIP can be recommended for intestinal dysbacteriosis correction with a higher level of relatively pathogenic flora without an accompanying therapy with the use of bacteriophages.

Application of Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation (CIP) for treatment of acute respiratory diseases.

By A.L. Sokolov , V.A. Aleshkin , I.V.Borissova.

Besides correcting Dysbacteriosis CIP can be used for treatment and prophylaxis of acute respiratory diseases (ARD). In this case it must be intaken from the first days of illness or right after the contact with the sick in prodrome.

In contrast to prescription for treatment of ARD it is administrated for 1-5 days several times a day with meals. The mechanism of CIP action against ARD is based on the contained antibodies to enterobacteria and also to the majority of viruses causing ARD. Taken with meals CIP undergoes a more deep enzymatic processing than taken on an empty stomach , and so more active fragments go into systemic blood flow having a general stimulating influence upon the immune system. This scheme of treatment allowed to shorten the duration of illness and thus to shorten the period of recovery , application of CIP for prophylaxic often allowed to prevent the development of the disease. Allergic or other reactions were not observed , the preparation was well tolerated.

Schemes of CIP (Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation) application in pediatry.

By A.L.Sokolov , Y.A.Kopanev.

The recommended duration of CIP course for treatment of intestinal infections and for correcting disturbed intestinal autoflora is 5 days. Though the effectiveness of such a scheme may not be complete in case of intestinal dysbacteriosis with level of relatively pathogenic bacteria more than 50% relative to the normal intestinal flora and the variety of forms of pathogenic flora. Prolonged courses of 10 days are recommended. The product is well tolerated. The frequency of side effects does not increase as compared to the 5 day scheme.

Application of Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation (CIP) in suppositories with infant in arms.

By Y.A.Kopanev , A.L.Sokolov.

CIP in suppositories produces a local effect in distal parts of the large intestine. It is characterized by a higher level of antibodies to enterobacteria (dysenteric bacteria, salmonella , Proteus , Klebsiella and others ) , Ps. Aeruginosa , staphylococci and also to rotaviruses , and produces a general immuno-stimulating effect. The suppository form of CIP can be used with babies for treatment of colitis , proctitus , if there is a threat of development of heavy allergic reactions and also for general stimulation in stimulation in children with chronic and acute infections. CIP in suppositories can be applied from the first weeks of life , the probability of side effects is low , the product is well tolerated. The course of treatment with CIP is 5-10 days. The child’s state improves in the process of treatment or with finishing the course. The therapeutic efficacy of CIP suppositories is confirmed by laboratory investigations.

When Dysbacteriosis needn’t be cured.

By Y.A.Kopanev , A.L.Sokolov.

In some cases disturbed intestinal microflora does not demand any microbiological correction. First of all it is dysbacterioses not accomparied by steady clinic manifestations. When dysbacteriosis is a consequence of some other disease it is necessary to cure the main illness , and in this case microbiocenosis can be normalized without microbiological correction. There exist some microbiological nuances which must not be interpreted as disturbances of intestinal microbiocenosis and thus corrected.

Application of Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation (CIP) in pediatry.

By A.L.Sokolov , Y.A.Kopanev , L.G.Kuzmenko and others.

CIP is used in pediatry for correcting intestinal microbiocenosis disturbances accompanied by a higher level of relatively pathogenic bacteria , for curing intestinal infections and also for treatment and prophylaxis of acute respiratory diseases. The duration of course depends on the degree of disturbance and usually does not exceed 5-10 days. In case of acute shorter courses. This product is well tolerated , highly effective and safe.

Immunocorrection of intestinal dysbacteriosis.

By V.A.Aleshkin , I.V.Borissova , Y.A.Kopanev , A.L.Sokolov.

Weakened local immunity of intestines is the basis for the development of dysbacteriosis , that is why the main way of therapy is immunocorrection where CIP (Complex Immunoglobulin Preparation) becomes the principal medicine. CIP produses by means of effectoral immunoglobulins of «M» and «A» classes and also through the stimulation of local immunity of intestines with the help of immunoglobulins of «G» class.

The influence of infected breast milk on intestinal microflora of babies on breast and mixed feeding.

By Y.A.Kopanev , A.L.Sokolov.

An investigation was undertaken of influence of infected breast milk an the composition of intestinal microflora of babies fed with breast milk is infected with coccal flora. The coincidence of bacteria in breast milk and in child’s intestines was observed in 28% of cases , of those in 12% of cases it was epidermal stephylococcus and more often (63%) it was staphylococcus aureus. At a high level of infectedness of breast milk appearance in it of gram-negative flora and some kinds of relatively pathogenic flora led to significant deviations in the composition of child’s autoflora (intestinal dysbacteriosis with a higher level of relatively paphogenic flora). Infected breast milk is one of the factors of the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis in children , such a state can be corrected and does not demand cancellation of breast milk and transfer to artificial feeding in children (even for the period of treatment).

The level of colibacillus in the composition of intestinal autoflora as a marker of intestinal helminthoses.

By Y.A.Kopanev , A.L.Sokolov.

Intestinal helmints can have an influence upon the composition of autoflora of the gastroenteric tract (GET) causing intestinal dysbacteriosis. We noticed that helminthal invasion are often accompanied by lowering of the level of colibacillus with normal enzymatic activity in GET autoflora. Taking into consideration the difficulties of helminthodiagnostics through feces , in case of colibacillus in combination with some clinical manifestations can be administrated a therapy ex juvantibus of antihelminthal preparations. In 70% of children receving therapy ex juvantibus a positive result was achieved or helminths were detected antihelminth therapy allowed to discover difficult for diagnostics through feces types of intestinal helminths and to significantly improve one’s state.

Some Endocellular and AIDS - Associated
Pathogenes During Children's Bronchial Asthma
By L. G. Kouzmenko, A. L. Sokolov, S. Zakhraui, I. V . Kapoustin, T. A. Skirda

60% of randomly selected 104 children examined during Bronchial Asthma attack were carrying Mycoplasma pneumoniae antigenes in their pharynx slime revealed by Polymeraza chain reaction, while 53% had Pneumocystis carinii antigene. Class M antibodies for Mycoplasma pneumoniae searched by immuno-ferment method were found in 83%, and for Pneumocystis carinii - in 56%. Antigenes' and Class M antibodies' level responding to Citomegalovirus (CMV) and Chlamidia was considerably lower. Revealing the mentioned pathogenes and matching antibodies in Bronchial Asthma patients confirms hypothesis of existing immune deficiency in the described group of people. The obtained results give grounds to admit a possibility of participation of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Pneumocystis carinii in formation of a Bronchial Asthma and to appropriately revise the approach to Bronchial Asthma therapy.